The self-claimed Huni Kuin  (meaning true people) are undergoing a remarkable cultural renaissance. During the last century have gone through various phases of suffering, narrowly escaping extinction. Some of them who fled to Peru and to the farthest lands in Acre were capable of maintaining community life and the chain of transmission of ritual knowledge completely interwoven with the rainforest and its wildlife without interruption, while the groups who stayed in Brazil were obliged to live shattered in small settlements, following the logic of rubber extraction, recently recovering from decimation, striving to recover and pass on their diverse knowledge of the forest to future generations so that it will not be lost.

Their culture is guided by its cosmopolitics who comes from their ancestral stories - such as the ancestral boa constrictor that taught the secrets of life in constant balance with other beings; Its artistic practices based on the shamanistic cosmology of the kenes which are the sacred geometry which is performed a graphic design of deep knowledge as a key that opens the way for the understanding of life and visions of ayahuasca combined with traditional songs; And its rituals, especially the nixi pae (ayahuasca) a sacred tea which reveals the mysteries of life, the forest, and each person.
